Cert IV Massage
HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy
Medical practitioners have come to recognise the potential of massage therapy, especially those diseases of civilisation in which stress has been implicated as a major factor. Traditional health care systems throughout the world recognise that massage can play an important part in preventing and treating illness. As the popularity of massage increases more opportunities are being identified for its use – from easing the discomfort of childbirth to providing emotional support for the aged and their near relatives.
Massage therapists work in a variety of work environments including private practice, mobile visiting practice, natural health clinics, beauty therapy clinics, health clubs and gyms, hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. These courses also offer a new and rewarding career for people who have come to a cross-road in their working lives and may be considering a new path to follow.
Our Goals for our Massage Training Programs
Cert IV in Massage Therapy provides students with the skills needed to provide relaxation massages and become a qualified massage therapist to work in private clinics and spas. Practitioners at this level may also be self-employed as independent practitioners or may work within a larger health service.
The goal of Aminya Natural Therapies Academy is to provide Massage training programmes that:
- Bridge the gap between fields of modern medicine, complementary modalities and massage.
- Enable you to train as a professional, competent, caring and empathetic therapist
- Train you in the effective and safe practical application of massage techniques
Outline of Qualification for Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice | HLT42015
- BSBESB401 Research & Develop Business Plans
- CHCCOM006 Establish and Manage Client Relationships
- CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
- CHCLEG003 Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance
- HLTAAP002 Confirm Physical Health Status
- HLTINF004 Manage the Prevention and Control of Infection
- HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health & Safety
- HLTMSG009 Develop Massage Practice
- HLTMSG010 Assess Client Massage Needs
- HLTMSG011 Provide Massage Treatments
- HLTMSG012 Apply Relaxation Massage Clinical Practice
- HLTREF002 Provide Reflexology for Relaxation
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Face-to-Face/Blended Learning:
- Foundations of Massage: Relaxation / Swedish Massage (HLTMSG009, HLTMSG010, HLTMSG011 & HLTMSG012)
- Anatomy (HLTAAP002)
- Reflexology for Relaxation (HLTREF002)
- Clinical Practice (80 hours)
Online Modules:
- CU02 Communication, Relationships & Compliance (CHCCOM006, CHCDIV001 & CHCLEG003)
- Business Planning: Research & Develop Business Plans (BSBESB401)
Via Home Study
- CU01 Infection Control/Work Health & Safety (HLTINF004 & HLTWHS004)
- Anatomy (HLTAAP002)
This qualification covers basic level massage therapy. It is ideal for people working within a clinic or in their own clinic, aged care, health service, spa, palliative care or hospital