

Thank you for considering enrolment with Aminya Natural Therapies Academy. Our goal is that our students find the time they share with us to be challenging, rewarding and fun.

Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to enter the workforce or to undertake further studies.

STEP 1: Read the Student Handbook.

Upon enrolling, you have rights and responsibilities, most of which are outlined in this handbook. You are naturally welcome to ask us for further information if you have questions that are not covered.

STEP 2: YOUR USI (Unique student identifer)

Your USI is a lifelong education number which you will need to enrol.

You will need to obtain a USI number or check if you already have one before completing the enrolment form.

STEP 3: Complete an Enrolment Form

Your enrolment is managed by our head office, regardless of which campus you will be attending.

Please select your chosen qualification and ensure the USI (Unique Student Identifier) is included.

Fill out Enrolment Form Electronically or download form below, complete, scan and email to info@aminyaacademy.com.au

STEP 4: Pay your application fee

A once-only, non-refundable fee of $250 per student applies to cover RTO administration costs.

Your application will be confirmed by email complete with all associated student onboarding documents and new student guide.


You are now a student of Aminya Natural Therapies Academy and can officially register for your course modules.

Each student pathway is unique, and timetables are flexible.

A member of our student liaison team can assist you to register for your initial subjects.