Words Krishna Everson

When I caught up with Jesse McKinnon he was preparing to take part in ‘Trail to Triumph’, a gruelling 250km, 3 day Ultra Marathon, to raise money for Mesothelioma cancer research. Jesse had only taken up running a year ago, but it didn’t take long for me to realise that he isn’t easily fazed by challenges, and is committed to personal growth and being a better father, husband and individual.

Jesse’s personal development journey had begun 6 years ago, after a period of extensive travel, finding love, and starting a family.

“The big catalyst for change was first meeting my wife, I wanted to be better for her and then we had our first child, was a big kicker. That’s when I realised I really wanted to have them grow up and not have a father who’s going to a job where he’s not fulfilled, and just going and getting it done, I wanted to lead by example, and do something I was actually passionate about.”

Jesse is soon to graduate from Aminya Natural Therapies Academy with a Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy, and has started his own therapy business Myosync.

I asked Jesse how he first became interested in massage. “I was looking towards something in training or therapy of some sort. I had been interested in professional boxing which was a performance thing, and I was interested in how to make things work better, because of some little injuries I had. I started reading about the body, and trying to learn how I can make myself function pain-free. I got to the point where I was reading anatomy and physiology text books for kicks and doing little online courses and stuff like that. My wife Elysha was like ‘you’re reading text books, you need to do something’. That was my aha moment. I drove past Aminya Academy and saw the building, and went and saw Denise (the Principal). I’d almost given up trying to find somewhere that was flexible, where I could also get my health fund registration to claim health rebates.” Jesse hasn’t looked back!

I asked Jesse what he thought was important for happiness.  “I think good relationships with friends but family as well. Relationship with your partner is massive, communication. I’ve also noticed since I’ve gone down the path of changing careers that it is a massive factor as well. I feel like I can’t be happy when I’m not fulfilled and purposeful in my work, where you spend most of your life.”

This article first appeared in Holistic Bliss Magazine – you can view the original article here: https://issuu.com/nessfinn/docs/holistic_bliss_nov_vol_107/16